I updated Draftist an Action Group to integrate Drafts with Todoist with many options to configure it to users needs.
If you’re using it you need to run the „Draftist Setup/Update“ action to jump to the new version.
I hope to reach most users because the new version migrates the script to Todoists new API version.
You can check out the Twitter Thread here (would appreciate if you share it so all user see the updated version)
If you don‘t know Draftist yet, it‘s an Action Group to easily integrate Todoist with Drafts – you can create, import and modify tasks in Todoist with the Actions for Drafts. 🚀
Draftist is a free to use Action Group you can download from the Action Directory.
The code, the instructions and documentation is hosted in this GitHub repository.
Draftist is a really powerful Action Group which offers configuration possibilities for your personal needs.
I tried to make the setup and configuration as easy as possible.
I hope that Draftist can help to speed up workflows and remove the friction from some of your processes.
If you have any problem, find issues or have further requests – I would be happy when you share them with me!
If you find this Action Group useful then share it with others who also may profit from it.
It is entirely free to use but if you want to say thanks by you can do so
Many thanks in advance 😊 appreciate your support 🙌